Somerset County Association of Chiefs of Police, Inc.
PO Box 7411 Hillsborough, New Jersey 08844-2267
President Vice President Sergeant at Arms
Chief Michael McMahon Chief William Coward Chief Michael C. DeCarolis
Secretary Treasurer
Chief Daniel J. Livak, Ret. Chief Paul A. Kaminsky, Ret.
The purpose for which this Association is organized is to secure unity of action in police matters and to advance and elevate the standard of police institutions and the recognition thereof by the general public; to secure the adoption and enforcement of laws pertaining to the prevention and detection of crime and the apprehension of criminals; to elevate the standards of the police profession; to provide full tenure of office for those employed in the police profession; to uphold the honor and standards of the profession; to conduct business and transact the business of the Association. The Somerset County Police Chiefs Association aspires to increase the levels of police professionalism, improve the level of training, and enhance educational credentials and professional development for law enforcement executives.
Our Mission:
This Association is organized to secure a closer official and personal relationship among police officials throughout Somerset County, to secure unity of action in police matters and to elevate the standards of police institutions. It is also to further the adoption of humane efforts in the enforcement of laws, the advancement along all lines pertaining to the prevention and detection of crime and the promotion of police and education in general.
Donation Information:
The Somerset County Chiefs of Police Association holds one direct mail fundraiser in December of each year. This years letter can be found HERE. We never solicit over the phone. As a word of caution we urge you to be aware of organizations that represent themselves to be supportive of, or a part of our County Police Chief’s Association. If in doubt of any solicitation, and before contributing, please feel to call your local Chief of Police or email the President at
Sponsor a Meeting:
Vendors wishing to sponsor a meeting my do so with this FORM. Please email to check the availability of the meeting you would like.
Somerset County Association of Chiefs of Police
P. O. Box, 7411
Hillsborough, New Jersey 08844